# Settings

You can use the Setting model found in this package to manage key-value pairs of settings stored in the database. These are helpful as they allow end-user administrators to make changes that affect how the app works without requiring a developer to make changes to the code and deploy.

# Add a new setting

Setting::add($key, $value, $type)

The allowed types are string, int|integer, bool|boolean.


Setting::add('test-setting', 'some value', 'string');

# Get the value for a setting



Setting::get('test-setting'); // Returns 'some value'

# Set a value for a setting

This will set a new value for an existing setting based on the provided $key. If the setting is not found, it will create it instead

Setting::set($key, $value, $type)


Setting::set('test-setting', 'some other value', 'string');

Setting::get('test-setting'); // Now returns 'some other value'

# Remove a setting




# Check if a setting exists

Returns true if a setting matching the provided $key is found, otherwise returns false



Setting::has('test-setting'); // returns true

Setting::has('another-setting'); // returns false

# Get all settings

Returns a collection of all settings
